One idea to seriously avoid: giving users say, a 30-day limited-time free trial. 其中之一要杜绝的是这样的点子:用户可免费试用本产品30天。
I downloaded a free trial version of Adobe Premiere Pro, an$ 800 product intended for professionals. 广告我下载了一套免费试用的AdobePremierePro,售价为800美元,它针对的是专业人士。
You can download a free trial version. 您可以下载免费试用版本。
A free trial is available. 可以获得它的一个免费试用版。
The easiest way to begin with XQJ is to download a free trial from DataDirect. 学习XQJ最简单的办法是从DataDirect下载免费的试用版。
Many of these sites have free services and lessons, as well as a free trial period. 这些网站中的许多提供免费的服务及课程,以及免费试用。
And then free trial offers. 随后就是免费试用。
For a free trial subscription, please click here. 免费定购,请点这里。
You will not receive a notice that your free trial has ended or that your paying subscription has begun. 你不会收到通知,告知你免费试用已经结束,或者是你的支付订阅已经开始。
You can download a free trial version of LINGO from our website. 您可以从我们的网站的LINGO的免费试用版。
Download your free trial photo editing software now and see for yourself. 需要有说服力?下载免费试用照片编辑软件,现在,看看吧。
Service providers marked with this icon provide a FREE trial period with no credit card or other billing information required. 标记有该图标的服务提供商提供免费试用期,不需要信用卡或其他帐单信息。
Upon registering for your free trial, your Payment Method will be authorized for the length of subscription indicated during the registration process. 一旦注册了免费试用,注册过程中,你的支付方式就会根据显示的订阅时间进行核准。
Unfortunately, these tools are not free, but they do offer a30-day free trial version. 不幸的是,这些工具不是免费的,但它们提供了30天的免费试用版本。
A free trial of Aptana Cloud is available. AptanaCloud已经提供了免费试用版。
However, you can cancel at any time before the end of your free trial and your card will not be charged. 不过,在免费试用期结束前,您随时可以取消服务,我们不会向您的信用卡收费。
Come down today for your free trial lesson! 来吧,今天免费试听课!
Your Payment Method will automatically be billed each period on the calendar day corresponding to the day after your free trial has ended. 在你免费试用结束日相应的日历日,对你的支付方式进行每个周期的自动收取费用。
It is the unlimited free trial version. 它是无限次免费试用版。
Is there no such thing as a free trial? 有没有这样的事,作为一个自由的审判吗?
For unlimited experience try free trial of Splash PRO. 无限经验尝试飞溅专业的免费试用。
To send a piece of equipment for two week 'free trial. 寄一种可免费试用两周的器材或设备。
In some cases, when you click on the free trial, you may or may not get the product. 在一些案例中,你点击免费试用的时候,你可能得到,也可能得不到产品。
Time Based Free Trial – Give a free trial for X days and start charging once the trial ends. 有时间限制的免费试用&提供给用户一个X天的免费试用期,在试用期结束之后开始收费。
You must have Internet access, valid email address and a valid credit card(" Payment Method") to redeem a free trial offer. 你必须要有互联网接入、有效的电子邮箱地址和有效的信用卡(支付方式)来申请免费试用。
Free Trial version that never expires. 免费试用版永不过期。
I thought I downloaded a free trial but a window keeps popping up and asking for a registration key. 我以为我下载了一个免费试用期,但一个窗口不断出现,并要求登记的关键。
Also provide users with free trial samples and technical tracking service. 同时还免费为用户提供样品试用和技术跟踪服务。